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OUR services

Firmate provides guidance and assistance with the implementation of solutions relating to: 


  • Risk management

  • Compliance and Conduct

  • Governance

  • Legal Services Procurement

Risk Management

Leveraging industry experience Firmate provides practical solutions to the implementation of risk management diagnostics, processes and frameworks.

Compliance & Conduct

Firmate solves compliance and conduct issues as experienced by modern corporations, ensuring the needs of all stakeholders are met.


We analyse the role of Boards, relationships within complex conglomerate structures, and management effectiveness with readily implemented approaches to contemporary issues these face.

Legal Services Procurement

Procuring the right advice from the right people at the right time can be critical to commercial success. Firmate can assist.


Investment Management risk

Investment Management Risk is more than investment outcomes. It needs to also address the practical how and processes that support investments and decision making. This paper outlines an end to end approach to investment risk management.

Investment Risk

& the 3 Lines of Defence

Investment management risk is evolving from the accountability of the CIO to more traditional risk management techniques - including the application of the 3 lines of defence. This paper reconciles traditional perspectives and emerging trends.

Risk Management Framework for Retail Superannuation

Retail Superannuation was considered by the recent Royal Commission. This paper discusses the implementation of a risk management framework for Retail Superannuation within a financial services conglomerate.

Retail Superannuation Post the Royal Commission

Retail superannuation needs to address profit making by a fiduciary. This paper discusses insights about a business model appropriate for superannuation post the royal commission.

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